Walt Disney World Smooth Straight Dublin Estate Briar Pipe

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Having kids of my own, I’m no stranger to Disney. But this isn’t your average Disney product, especially these days. MBSD’s younger visitors (by which I mean under 40) might not know this, but both Disneyland and Disney World used to have tobacconists on site. Walt Disney himself was – to put it mildly – a great admirer of tobacco. And at the Disney tobacconists, all kinds of Disney-branded tobacco products were sold, including Disney-branded pipes. That’s where this one comes in. It’s a good, sturdy Dublin, with some very nice, almost tiger-stripe, flame grain, and it is a Walt Disney World pipe. So, it will have been sold at the Florida Disney resort. Judging by the stamp, and using my cultivated “dad Disney sense,” it looks like the logo Disney World used between its opening in the early-1970s and the mid-1990s. And, as the notable Disney tobbacciana collector Brian Levine has documented, Disney got rid of its on-site tobacconists in the early 1990s. So, we’re looking at a window of around 20 years when this one could have been made. All sorts of makers have been associated with the Disney pipes, from Comoy’s, to Dr Grabow, to Ropp etc., so it’s hard to guess who made this one. But, since these days Disney doesn’t even allow pipes to be shown in its movies, let alone smoked at its resorts, this is a pretty special pipe regardless, and a real window into how things used to be.

The condition is great, with just a little darkening on the back rim.


Length: 6″ / 152.4mm

Bowl Width: 0.98 / 24.89mm

Bowl Depth: 1.54″ / 39.11mm

Weight: 1.6oz / 46g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used