Tsuge Ikebana 1997 Smooth “Elsinore” Brandy Estate Briar Pipe, Japanese Estates

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Tsuge is Japan’s largest and most internationally renowned pipe company, having been founded in 1936 by Kyoichiro Tsuge. In the 1970s, however, Tsuge was so impressed by the pipes coming out of Denmark, that he sent two of Tsuge’s own master pipe-makers, Kazuhiro Fukuda and Smio Satou, to hone their craft under the likes of Sixten Ivarsson and Jørgen Larsen. Upon their return, the Tsuge Ikebana workshop was established so that Fukuda, Satou, and their apprentices would have the means to create high-grade Japanese pipes to rival even those being made in Europe’s pipe-making capitals. Fifty years later, it is more than evident that this goal was accomplished.

The impact of Fukuda and Satou’s pilgrimage to Denmark is noticeable throughout the company’s portfolio after the 1970s. And while the broadest characteristics of Scandinavian pipe design became part of Tsuge’s manufacturing processes and finished products, there are many instances of Tsuge pipes that pay homage to specific Scandinavian pipe makers. This is the case both in Tsuge’s serially-produced models, such as the Kaga series and its nod to Jørn Micke, as well as many pipes crafted in the Ikebana workshop. This particular Tsuge is an example of the latter, and its source of inspiration is very specific: Gert Holbek and his “Elsinore” shapes. Holbek himself was a legend in the Danish artisan scene, garnering significant acclaim from the 1960s onward. His “Elsinore” pipe, most of which were named after the characters and locales of Shakespeare’s Hamlet were a popular fixture in the catalog of Pibe-Dan (later Pipe Dan), where he worked as a pipe maker and a designer of many Pibe-Dan shape. To return to this Tsuge, it is very clearly modeled on one of Holbek’s Elsinore “Classic” pipes. The design is relatively simple, yet totally distinctive, combining a slightly canted, brandy bowl with an oval shank and stem. On the other hand, the simple shapes are the hardest to do well. I’m happy to report that this Tsuge Ikebana Elsinore most certainly was.

The condition is very good. Some minor rim darkening and a couple of small, superficial dings in the bowl.



Length: 5.6″ / 142.2mm

Bowl Width: 0.73 / 18.54mm

Bowl Depth: 1.38″ / 35.05mm

Weight: 1.2oz / 36g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Restored