Stanwell Zebrano Smooth Billiard Estate Briar Pipe, Danish Estates

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Stanwell is one of Denmark’s most celebrated and enduring pipe companies, having been founded by Poul Nielsen shortly after the second world war. Over the last six decades, Stanwell has established itself as both a leader in innovative Danish design and for producing well-priced pipes with precision construction and engineering. Many of its designs were created for the company by iconic pipe-makers in the Scandinavian scene, such as Sixten Ivarsson, Anne Julie, Jess Chonowitsch, and Tom Eltang.

Unlike the Buffalo line, Stanwell’s Zebrano refers not to the animal zebra but to a species of hardwood, that being zebrawood. This wood has been favored by Danish artisans for decades, with Stanwell contributing their own pipes to this minor tradition by way of pipes with zebrawood shank extensions. These extensions are paired with a golden brown stain that matches them very tastefully. As indicated by the stamping, this is a Danish made Stanwell from the Borup factory, likely 1998-2009 production.

The condition is fair. Rim darkening, some finish fading, and a couple of handling marks.



Length: 5.5″ / 139.7mm

Bowl Width: 0.83 / 21.08mm

Bowl Depth: 1.42″ / 36.06mm

Weight: 1.4oz / 40g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Restored