Schulte’s / Max Schulte Smooth Zulu Estate Briar Pipe, Unsmoked

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Schulte’s was an American pipe tobacconist, located in New Jersey in the second half of the 20th century. Like many pipe stores, Schulte’s sold house brand pipes, but unlike most pipe stores, many of these house brand pipes were made by the store’s owner, Max Schulte. Similarly to a few other American pipe tobacconists, like Boswell’s, Schulte himself would divide his time between sales and both restoring and making pipes, during which time he served as a teacher in the craft to a young Jack H. Weinberger.

Another excellent pipe from Max Schulte, this time leaning full throttle into traditional staples by way of the Zulu shape. I’ve always found the full forward cant of shapes like the Zulu, cutty, and belge to be profoundly elegant, especially when they have the grain patterns this one does. Plenty of bird’s-eye and cross grain on the bowl, and almost light as a feather. Just perfect.

This pipe is also completely unsmoked.



Length: 6″ / 152.4mm

Bowl Width: 0.80 / 20.32mm

Bowl Depth: 1.26″ / 32.00mm

Weight: 1.0oz / 30g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Unsmoked new old stock (NOS).