Savinelli Capri Root Briar 810 Rusticated Billiard Estate Briar Pipe, Italian Estates

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It is probably fair to say that Savinelli is Italy’s most famous pipe brand. Founded in Milan in 1876 by Achille Savinelli, the brand has continuously offered high quality pipes for nearly 150 years. Though various Savinelli lines have come and gone over the years, the brand has always been notable for putting out classically styled pipes with a distinctly Italian twist.

Along with Castello’s Sea Rock, Radice’s Rind, and the pipes of Paolo Becker, Savinelli’s Capri series represented a quintessentially Italian approach to rustication – one that’s fine and granular, and eminently tactile. Unfortunately, Savinelli doesn’t make the Capri anymore, though one can occasionally find the finish revived for the limited-release Punto Oro Corallo (sans stain) and Le Mie pipes. This one is rendered in Savinelli’s 810, oval shank billiard shape, one that, similarly, hasn’t been in regular production for a many (aside from a few limited releases and legacy stock).

The condition is good. Minor rim darkening. The pipe’s vulcanite stem features a gold dot, leading me to believe it is a replacement taken from a Punto Oro of the exact same shape. I could be wrong, but I’ve adjusted the price either way.



Length: 6″ / 152.4mm

Bowl Width: 0.78 / 19.81mm

Bowl Depth: 1.53″ / 38.86mm

Weight: 1.1oz / 34g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Restored