Nording Spruce Partially Rusticated Freehand Estate Briar Pipe, Unsmoked


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Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has also been a teacher of other Danish masters, such as Poul Ilsted, Svend Axel Celius, Jens Tao Nielsen, Peder Jeppesen, and Søren Erik Andersen.

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the things I find most interesting about Erik Nording is his ability to take the freehand genre in genuinely novel directions. The only comparable figure I can think of in this regard was Preben Holm, who was, until his untimely passing, the most versatile and innovative freehand carver to have ever lived. These days, I’m starting to wonder if Erik Nording has taken that crown from Holm, as his various freehand lines today are some of the most distinctive and unprecedented in Danish design. This Spruce model, for example, combines freehand turning with figural hand carvings meant to evoke the cones of the spruce tree, without simply imitating their form wholesale.

This pipe is completely unsmoked, with an original bowl coating. It comes with its original sleeve.



Length: 6.4″ / 162.5mm

Bowl Width: 0.79 / 20.06mm

Bowl Depth: 2.02″ / 51.30mm

Weight: 2.1oz / 62g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Unsmoked estate.