E. Andrew (Andrew Jurkieweicz) 01 Smooth Bamboo Apple Estate Briar Pipe, American Estates

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Andrew Jurkieweicz, who made pipes under the name E. Andrew, had an interesting pipe-making lineage. While it is very common for American artisans to have had teachers or mentors in their pipe-making, and while it is quite common to be able to trace a pipe-maker’s “family tree” back to a big name in the artisan pipe world, these family trees typically stop somewhere in America, or perhaps somewhere in Denmark. Jurkieweicz was different, because he could trace his pipe-making family tree to none other than Achille Savinelli (of Savinelli pipes). While originally a machinist by trade, Jurkieweicz was ultimately inducted into the craft by Jack Uhle, who was himself taught pipe-making by Savinelli. Jurkieweicz sadly passed away in 2017.

Andrew Jurkieweicz, of E. Andrew pipes, was extremely versatile. He could make perfect, traditional billiards, more modern-style American freehands, and he could also make shapes with a more “Danish” bent. This E. Andrew, for example, is like a slightly bulked up version of some of the “Pearl” pipes made by Viggo Nielsen’s Bari workshop. It is a beautifully straight grained apple that, despite being over 6 inches, still manages to retain an air of delicateness and weightlessness. Come to think of it, thanks to the bamboo, it isn’t actually that heavy at all.

The condition is very good, but I will highlight that the rim has some darkening, and there are a few of what may be scratches, or dings, on the bottom of the bowl and the beginning of the shank, which I have highlight in the attached pictures.



Length: 6.2″ / 157.4mm

Bowl Width: 0.77 / 19.55mm

Bowl Depth: 1.44″ / 36.57mm

Weight: 1.9oz / 54g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used