Charatan’s Make 284DC Sandblasted Poker Estate Briar Pipe, English Estates


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While Dunhill may be Britain’s most famous pipe brand, Charatan is not only older, but has the honor of being the first to have made its pipes entirely in-house. ‘Charatan’s Make’ referred to the fact that, at a time when other pipe companies were sourcing stummels and stems carved from other companies before assembling them in their factories and workshops, Charatan made every part of their pipes on the Charatan premises. So began a legacy of high-quality pipe-making under the Charatan name, one whose employees, at one time or another, included Joel Sasieni, and Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall fame.

There’s a reason contemporary artisans look to mid-century makes like Dunhill, Barling, and Charatan when it comes to sandblasting, as they are craggy and gnarly in a way that was largely forgotten—even by their modern, surviving instantiations, such as Dunhill—as the 1900s came to a close. As seen on this Charatan shape 284 poker, it really is a texture like no other, rugged in a way that could almost pass for rustication if not for the growth rings brought sharply into relief.

The condition is fair. Rim darkening and some finish fading.



Length: 5.7″ / 144.7mm

Bowl Width: 0.84 / 21.33mm

Bowl Depth: 1.26″ / 32.00mm

Weight: 1.3oz / 38g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition Used
Notes Restored