Astleys Smooth Liverpool Estate Briar Pipe, Unsmoked

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Astleys was one of London’s most historic pipe and tobacco shops. Like many pipe tobacconists, its owners had pipes made specially to be sold under the shop’s name. Astleys pipes, however, were made by some of the premier pipe manufacturers and artisans in the UK, such as Ashton, Dunhill, Charatan, Les Wood, and Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall. As a result, Astleys pipes are prized for their quality, and as examples of the very finest British pipes.

Astleys pipes are typically difficult to identify in terms of who made them. We know that some of the best English makes of the day had a hand in them, but knowing precisely which one is – aside from a few exceptions – a case of educated guesses. Judging by the shaping and stain on this one, however, I’d be surprised if it didn’t come from the James Upshall workshop. The stout, Dublin-esque proportions of the bowl, especially in being married to an otherwise Liverpool style design, is strongly evocative of Barry Jones’ work (as is common with many Charatan alumni), while the mahogany red stain (analogous to the James Upshall “S” grade) and narrower chamber fit with James Upshall’s typical manufacturing practices. The use of cumberland, rather than black vulcanite, is curious, but certainly not unheard of for JU pipes. A gorgeous piece, in any case.

This Astleys is completely unsmoked, with an original bowl coating.



Length: 6″ / 152.4mm

Bowl Width: 0.73 / 18.54mm

Bowl Depth: 1.42″ / 36.06mm

Weight: 1.6oz / 46g

Additional information

Weight 15 oz
Condition New