Pipe Dan

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  • Pipe Dan Dan Shape Reformed Smooth Acorn Estate Briar Pipe, Danish Estates


    Along with WO Larsen and Suhr’s Pibemageri, Pipe Dan (or Pibe Dan) was one of the foundational workshops in the emergence of post-war Danish pipe-making. Founded in 1943 by H. Dan-Christensen, Pipe Dan not only sold the pipes of pioneering Scandinavian pipe-makers, such as Sixten Ivarsson, Sven Knudsen and Preben Holm, it employed many of…


    Ph Vigen 1990 Smooth Apple Estate Briar Pipe, Unsmoked

    Jes Phillip Vigen Gertsen, known professionally as Ph. Vigen, is a relatively mysterious figure within Danish pipe-making. His work is distinct and recognizable, and has garnered significant attention and acclaim from collectors, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him photographed. It is known that he worked at WO Larsen under foreman Hans “Former” Nielsen,…