Though he would tragically pass away at the age of 42, Preben Holm was one of the pioneering figures in the ‘Danish design’ movement in 20th century pipe-making – a movement that still dominates the high-grade pipe scene. By hand-shaping his pipes on a belt sander, Holm was able to make the most of the…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
Beginning his career as a pipe-maker in the 1970s, Randy Wiley was a key figure in the new wave of American artisans in the late-20th century pipe scene – and still is today, nearly 50 years later. Wiley’s pipes might be characterized as American freehand in style; though he has occasionally made more traditional pieces,…
It is probably fair to say that Savinelli is Italy’s most famous pipe brand. Founded in Milan in 1876 by Achille Savinelli, the brand has continuously offered high quality pipes for nearly 150 years. Though various Savinelli lines have come and gone over the years, the brand has always been notable for putting out classically…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Known as the “dean of American pipe designers” Ed Burak was not a pipe-maker per se. Rather, Burak was someone who worked with the master carvers of his time to bring his distinct ideas of what a pipe could be to life. As the owner of the Connoisseur Pipe Shop, Burak designed freehand pipes so…
Since at least 1948, renowned artisans in the high-grade scene have lent designs to pipe factories and workshops so that they may be produced on a larger scale—and at a more affordable price point. Danish companies such as Stanwell, Pibe Dan, and WO Larsen, through their partnerships with figures such as Sixten Ivarsson, Tom Eltang,…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
Schulte’s was an American pipe tobacconist, located in New Jersey in the second half of the 20th century. Like many pipe stores, Schulte’s sold house brand pipes, but unlike most pipe stores, many of these house brand pipes were made by the store’s owner, Max Schulte. Similarly to a few other American pipe tobacconists, like…
Tsuge is Japan’s largest and most internationally renowned pipe company, having been founded in 1936 by Kyoichiro Tsuge. In the 1970s, however, Tsuge himself was so impressed by the pipes coming out of Denmark, that he sent two of Tsuge’s own master pipe-makers, Kazuhiro Fukuda and Smio Satou, to hone their craft under the likes…
Starting out as a pipe restorer, Belgian artisan Bruno Nuttens moved onto producing his own pipes under the careful guidance of France’s most esteemed master pipe makers, Pierre Morel Jr. Nuttens’ first pipes creating relatively traditional pipes—often using carefully selected, decades-seasoned stummels from France’s historic Saint-Claude factories—but he would soon begin developing entirely handmade pipes…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Ascorti belongs to a historic lineage in Italian artisan pipe-making. Guiseppe ‘Peppino’ Ascorti was first employed as a pipe-maker in the 1950s, in Carlo Scotti’s Castello workshop in Cantu. There he met Luigi Radice, and in the 1960s the two decided to leave Castello to create their own pipe-making workshop, under the name ‘Caminetto.’ At…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Il Ceppo is an Italian brand that has been producing high-grade pipes since the 1970s. Founded by the architect Giorgio Imperatori in Pesaro, Italy, Il Ceppo is a central figure in what has been called the Pesaro School of pipe design, along with other companies such as Ser Jacopo and Mastro de Paja. Italian pipes…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Owing to a sporadic career, Hans Hartmann is, today, one of a number of lesser known artisans in the history of Danish pipes. Yet those who are acquainted with the finer details of that history know of his great significance within the emergence of modern pipe making. Hartmann was one of what might be called…
In 1974, after growing impatient waiting for a pipe he’d ordered, Claudio Cavicchi decided he would simply make his own pipe instead. The former farmer from Bologna, Italy, spent the next 15 years making pipes, until his work took off and received widespread acclaim. Cavicchi’s pipe-making exploits have only become more renowned in the decades…
Though I don’t think he’s around on the scene anymore, Rick Knight was a very talented artisan pipe maker in the 2000s. Inspired by the likes of Mark Tinsky and Trever Talbert, Knight was given more formal instruction in the craft by Lee Von Erck, Brian Ruthenberg, and Tyler Beard, with the resulting pipes selling…
The Colossus Pipe Factory, known by its initials C.P.F., is a make that is – as of yet – still a little shrouded in mystery. What is known is that the make was established in 1851 and that it was owned by Kaufman Bros & Bondy (later of Kaywoodie fame) by at least 1898. It is…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Introducing the Volkan make requires a brief detour into Italian pipe history. Jean-Marie Alberto Paronelli, born in 1914, was one of the fathers of Italian artisan pipe-making, a renown he achieved through pipes made under his own name, through designs he contributed to major Italian makes, and through his distribution of other artisan makes, such…
While China has long been associated with cheaper factory pipes, a new generation of artisans and workshops have emerged over the past decade, producing some genuinely excellent pipes. HS Studio is an example of the latter, being a Hong Kong workshop dedicated to crafting handmade briars, typically in shapes and styles reminiscent of the post-war…
A living legend in Danish pipe-making, Tonni Nielsen first began his career at the age of 16, at the historic W.O. Larsen workshop. Here he apprenticed under Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen and Teddy Knudsen, and within a few years, he was already carving Larsen’s high-grade Straight Grain pipes. After going solo and continuing his successes, Nielsen…
4th Generation—or, rather, Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation, to use its full name—is a brand of pipes first conceived by Denmark’s Erik Stokkebye (as one would expect), who holds the accomplishment of representing four generations of the Stokkebye family’s involvement in pipes and tobaccos (as one would also expect). Erik Stokkebye himself does not make pipes;…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British handmade, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Known as the “dean of American pipe designers” Ed Burak was not a pipe-maker per se. Rather, Burak was someone who worked with the master carvers of his time to bring his distinct ideas of what a pipe could be to life. As the owner of the Connoisseur Pipe Shop, Burak designed freehand pipes so…
While China has long been associated with cheaper factory pipes, a new generation of artisans and workshops have emerged over the past decade, producing some genuinely excellent pipes. HS Studio is an example of the latter, being a Hong Kong workshop dedicated to crafting handmade briars, typically in shapes and styles reminiscent of the post-war…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
BriarWorks represents the dream of many a pipe maker, being a workshop owned and stewarded by artisans whose mission is to produce affordable pipes of their own design. Founded in 2013 in Tennessee by American pipe making legends Todd Johnson and Pete Prevost, BriarWorks has gone from strength to strength in the years since, not…
To veteran pipe smokers, Dunhill needs no introduction. Beginning in 1907, Alfred Dunhill began selling Dunhill pipes at the tobacconist shop he owned on London’s Duke Street. Very quickly, these pipes gained the reputation of being the ‘Rolls-Royce’ of pipes due to how expertly crafted they were. Today, Dunhill is likely Britain’s most famous pipe…
Regretfully, I do not know who made this pipe. It’s beautifully cut (hawkbills are notoriously a pain in the behind to shape and to drill) and the rusticated finish is nicely consistent, reminiscent of the Peterson house style. Perhaps it came from a master that I—in a lapse that brings shame upon my bloodline—simply do…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
Karlheinz Joura is a fascinating German pipe-maker, based in the town of Bremen. Along with being a pipe-maker of the same stature as Italy’s Baldo Baldi, or Denmark’s Per Hansen and Ulf Noltensmeier of S. Bang, Joura is a former world-class diver. He’s also perhaps the only master pipe-maker to have successfully crossed the Berlin…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Since at least 1948, renowned artisans in the high-grade scene have lent designs to pipe factories and workshops so that they may be produced on a larger scale—and at a more affordable price point. Danish companies such as Stanwell, Pibe Dan, and WO Larsen, through their partnerships with figures such as Sixten Ivarsson, Tom Eltang,…
Bruce Weaver was, quite simply, one of America’s great artisans, something made even more impressive by his relatively short career. He first studied pipe making with Lee Von Erck, before continuing to develop his skills under Tim West and Todd Johnson, the latter of which he would end up collaborating with on certain pieces. Weaver…
Over the last few decades, pipe makers have continued to rediscover alternative mediums to briar for their pipes—mediums that, often unjustly, fell by the wayside as tree heather root became the near-universal standard. Spearheaded by artisans, materials such as morta (bog oak) and olivewood have been welcomed back into the scene, as has one of…
Talamona is an Italian workshop situated in Italy’s historic pipe-making province of Varese. The make was founded by artisan Cesare Talamona, who oversaw production of Talamona pipes from its founding in 1970, until his retirement in 2007. Since 2007, production of Talamona pipes has been overseen by Paolo Croci, another Italian artisan, also known for…
Since at least 1948, renowned artisans in the high-grade scene have lent designs to pipe factories and workshops so that they may be produced on a larger scale—and at a more affordable price point. Danish companies such as Stanwell, Pibe Dan, and WO Larsen, through their partnerships with figures such as Sixten Ivarsson, Tom Eltang,…
Unraveling the history of these CPF pipes we’ve had in recently has been a blast. As I mentioned in a previous listing, I was able to find out – thanks to a small, ancient piece of paper tucked into one of the CPF pipes’ bowls – that the make was founded in 1851. This, coupled…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
While Dunhill may be Britain’s most famous pipe brand, Charatan is not only older, but has the honor of being the first to have made its pipes entirely in-house. ‘Charatan’s Make’ referred to the fact that, at a time when other pipe companies were sourcing stummels and stems carved from other companies before assembling them…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. The “dragon claw” motif is one of the most iconic in all of modern meerschaum carving. What better, then, than to have one…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Taking their name from architect Richard Meier’s avant-garde homestead just off the Long Island Sound, Smith House Pipes are the creation of New York artisan Rich Rosselli. Like the Danish-American functionalists before him, Rosselli excels at creating modernized renditions of tried-and-true, traditional, Anglo-French staples. This he combines with novel uses of color and ornamentation, giving…
Taking their name from architect Richard Meier’s avant-garde homestead just off the Long Island Sound, Smith House Pipes are the creation of New York artisan Rich Rosselli. Like the Danish-American functionalists before him, Rosselli excels at creating modernized renditions of tried-and-true, traditional, Anglo-French staples. This he combines with novel uses of color and ornamentation, giving…
In 1974, after growing impatient waiting for a pipe he’d ordered, Claudio Cavicchi decided he would simply make his own pipe instead. The former farmer from Bologna, Italy, spent the next 15 years making pipes, until his work took off and received widespread acclaim. Cavicchi’s pipe-making exploits have only become more renowned in the decades…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. Alas, poor Yorick! As with any art form, meerschaum carving is no stranger to gothic themes and motifs. And while on the one…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Karahan. Eskişehir’s master Ayhan Karahan is well known not only for his skills as a meerschaum carver, but for his affinity for the Austrian…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Kaywoodie pipes are as American as apple pie. Starting in 1919 as a pipe brand for KB&B, a pipe shop dating all the way back to 1851, Kaywoodie has since then been a staple of American-made pipes. In the present, many Kaywoodies are collectors’ items, in addition to being fantastic smokers. If my dating is…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
WO Larsen was a world-renowned tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark and a major player in modern pipe history. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Karahan. Eskişehir’s master Ayhan Karahan is well known not only for his skills as a meerschaum carver, but for his affinity for the Austrian…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. The cutty is one of the earliest briar pipe shapes, in part because early briar carvers transposed an already-familiar design…
Pierre Morel may well be France’s most revered living pipe maker, and can surely be regarded as one of the nation’s all-time greats. While there are a number of notable dynasties in the pipe world, and with them a number of very talented, second-, and even third-generation pipe makers, the Morel family has been making…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Karahan. Eskişehir’s master Ayhan Karahan is well known not only for his skills as a meerschaum carver, but for his affinity for the Austrian…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. For this Silver line meerschaum, inspiration was taken from a singular shape in modern pipe making, one that has been…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Karahan. Eskişehir’s master Ayhan Karahan is well known not only for his skills as a meerschaum carver, but for his affinity for the Austrian…
It is probably fair to say that Savinelli is Italy’s most famous pipe brand. Founded in Milan in 1876 by Achille Savinelli, the brand has continuously offered high quality pipes for nearly 150 years. Though various Savinelli lines have come and gone over the years, the brand has always been notable for putting out classically…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Don Carlos belongs to a historic lineage within Italian pipe making. The workshop was founded by Bruto Sordini (along with his wife Rosaria), who had previously made pipes for Mastro de Paja, where he also met Giancarlo Guidi. In 1981, Sordini and Guidi left Mastro de Paja to found their own workshop, Ser Jacopo. After…
Gigi pipes occupy an interesting position in the history of Italian pipe-making. The story begins with the founding of Sociedade Rovera, a pipe-making company in Varese, Italy, by the Rovera family. As members of the Rovera family left to start their own ventures, the dynasty associated with the name would be split into several companies;…
Doctor’s Pipes are made by artisan pipe-maker Roman Kovalev. Based in Saint Petersburg, Kovalev’s pipe-making moniker derives from his sixteen years spent as a pediatric neurologist, and the consequent nickname of ‘Doc’ given by his friends. Taking up pipe-making in the early 2010s, and with a great deal of inspiration from Japanese masters such as…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Originally founded in 1968 by Svend Bang, a former store manager at Denmark’s legendary W.Ø. Larsen, S. Bang would go on to become a legend in its own right, one that would rival even Larsen in fame and acclaim. While Svend himself was not a pipe-maker, he was able to enlist some of the most…
Chacom is one of France’s most historic and iconic makes. Its founders, the Comoy family, began their career as boxwood pipe-makers in the early 1800s, before briar had even been discovered, with Henri Comoy (of Comoy’s fame) emigrating to England in 1879 and founding the country’s first briar pipe factory. In 1922, Henri and his…
Andrew Petersen is an American artisan who originally worked under the Quad City Pipes moniker. Being of Danish-American heritage, it would seem that pipe making was a rather natural occupation for Petersen to take up, which he did first in 2007. Peterson would later spend time with Moscow-born master Alex Florov, who no doubt helped…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. While discussing with my carver what shapes we should have for the next MBSD Meerschaums, the subject of stubbier, chubbier,…
We don’t get many Michal Novák pipes come through here at MBSD, but that didn’t stop me from instantly recognizing this one when it landed on desk. Novak is one of those select few artisans whose work is unmistakably theirs, with his signature style blending, on the one hand, the unfurling, spiral carvings familiar to…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. As with many of our meerschaum models, this one was inspired by innovations in the world of briar pipe design….
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. Hunting has been a prominent motif throughout the history of meerschaum carving, in part due to the high status of those who could…
Gigi pipes occupy an interesting position in the history of Italian pipe-making. The story begins with the founding of Sociedade Rovera, a pipe-making company in Varese, Italy, by the Rovera family. As members of the Rovera family left to start their own ventures, the dynasty associated with the name would be split into several companies;…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
The “Jacobean” was one of the first pipes created by Leslie Wood and Dolly Wood after both had left Dunhill. In fact, the Jacobean was conceived so early into Les & Dolly’s independent careers that it was manufactured under the umbrella of L&JS Silverware (Leslie’s private silversmithing company) rather than L&JS Briars, which came a…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
You may have wondered, as I often do, what would happen if professional meerschaum carver was to turn their attention to briar wood, and to make pipes out of that instead. While many early briar pipe manufacturers, such as Frederick Charatan, made just such a transition back in the late 19th century, both briar and…
Andrey Kharitonov is, to my eye, one of the most innovative artisans in pipe-making today. Born in 1961 in the former Soviet Union, Kharitonov’s work has been inspired by a number of his compatriots in the artisan scene, such as Viktor Yashtylov, Misha Revyagin, and Alexey Kharmalov. Like the latter, Kharitonov frequently experiments with novel…
L’Anatra pipes are made by the artisan duo Massimo Palazzi and Andrea Pascucci in northern Italy’s Pesaro region. Those with some familiarity with Italian pipes will likely recognize that particular region, as it is the home of what has come to be known as the “Pesaro School” of high-grade pipe making. Through its close network…
Radice is one of the great Italian workshop pipe makes, belonging to a historic lineage of such workshops. The company began as a family affair, being established in 1980 by Luigi Radice, along with his son, Gianluca, and father, Paolo. But Radice’s pipe-making ‘family’ is a little larger than that. Prior to founding Radice, Luigi…
Andrey Kharitonov is, to my eye, one of the most innovative artisans in pipe-making today. Born in 1961 in the former Soviet Union, Kharitonov’s work has been inspired by a number of his compatriots in the artisan scene, such as Viktor Yashtylov, Misha Revyagin, and Alexey Kharmalov. Like the latter, Kharitonov frequently experiments with novel…
Andrey Kharitonov is, to my eye, one of the most innovative artisans in pipe-making today. Born in 1961 in the former Soviet Union, Kharitonov’s work has been inspired by a number of his compatriots in the artisan scene, such as Viktor Yashtylov, Misha Revyagin, and Alexey Kharmalov. Like the latter, Kharitonov frequently experiments with novel…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. So-called “stubby” pipes are far from new in the world of briar, with prime examples being the designs of Danish…
To veteran pipe smokers, Dunhill needs no introduction. Beginning in 1907, Alfred Dunhill began selling Dunhill pipes at the tobacconist shop he owned on London’s Duke Street. Very quickly, these pipes gained the reputation of being the ‘Rolls-Royce’ of pipes due to how expertly crafted they were. Today, Dunhill is likely Britain’s most famous pipe…
Michael Parks is an artisan pipe-maker from Canada. Parks is renowned for his high-grade pipes, as well as for his ability to create traditional and modern shapes, as well as sculptural pieces that further blend the line between smoking instruments and fine art. Canada may be less known for its pipe-makers than, say, the United…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. This Silver grade MBSD Meerschaum is for those who want something portable without sacrificing chamber size. At just 5 inches…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
Over the last decade or so, Indonesia has produced some impressive pipe-makers in the artisan scene. West Java’s Wandi Riyadi was one of the first to receive major international acclaim, inspiring many more of his compatriots to take up the craft – something that we at MBSD, having carried a couple of talented Indonesian artisans,…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. The closest classical art form to meerschaum carving is sculpture. In this instance, the closest analog in the sculptural arts as classically defined,…
A graduate of industrial design and art history, Xin Li came to pipe-making by chance, after a mutual friend introduced him to the notable Chinese artisan Yang Zhimin. Xin and Yang quickly developed a rapport, in part because both had attended the prestigious China Academy of Art, and because both had an affinity for woodworking….
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Since the late 1940s, the Dublin shape has undergone innumerable transformations, resulting in a vast variety of distinct renditions that…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Karim Pipes are made by Abdul Karim, an artisan pipe-maker based in Tangerang, Indonesia. A pipe-maker since 2016, Karim is part of an emerging 21st century movement of Indonesian artisan carvers, including Wandi Riyadi, Deden Hendan Durahman of Caxra Pipes, Karim’s mentor, Edy Bima, and Karim’s mentee, Bennie Joe, whose pipes MBSD has also sold….
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. This Silver line meerschaum was inspired by modern briar renditions of the more traditional barrel shape. Like the latter, it…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
Italy’s Gian Maria Gamboni is a rather elusive figure within pipe-making. He first took up pipe-making in the mid-2000s, having been inspired by the pipes of Paolo Becker and Massimo Musico. At the time, Becker & Musico operated a store in Gamboni’s home city of Rome, and when the former parted ways, Gamboni was hired…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
Sebastian Heck is part of younger generation of highly skilled artisans to have emerged from Germany in recent years. Based in Heidelberg, Heck took up pipe smoking—and, ultimately, pipe-making—as part of a conscious effort toward slowing down in an otherwise constantly accelerating modern world. Like many pipe-makers, Heck took his first steps into the craft as a…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
To call Canada’s Todd Bannard, the artisan behind Briar, Sweat and Tears (BST) pipes, a “cult favorite” would be a profound understatement. Like his fellow countrymen Michael Parks and Julius Vesz, Bannard’s work has demonstrated that, though Canada may have far fewer pipe-makers than its neighbors in the US, Canadian handmades truly are a matter…
After being a pipe smoker for over forty years, Illinois native ultimately Kevin Arthur decided to make his own briars. That was back in 2007, with Arthur soon attracting a good deal of attention when presenting his work at various pipe shows. With a pipe like this one, it’s not hard to see why. It’s…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. The “dragon claw” motif is one of the most iconic in all of modern meerschaum carving. What better, then, than to have one…
Jared Coles is a North American pipe-maker based in California. Coles is one of the undisputed masters of the contemporary American artisan scene, but that shouldn’t be surprising given the teachers he’s had. A pipe smoker since an early age, Coles discovered high-grade pipes while studying at college and took up pipe-making himself in 2008….
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Thanks to the recommendations of my new hire, I’ve been following developments in the Chinese artisan scene recently, and I’ve…
Jared Coles is a North American pipe-maker based in California. Coles is one of the undisputed masters of the contemporary American artisan scene, but that shouldn’t be surprising given the teachers he’s had. A pipe smoker since an early age, Coles discovered high-grade pipes while studying at college and took up pipe-making himself in 2008….
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Taking cues from both early French designs and the contemporary artisan scene, this Silver line MBSD Meerschaum is modeled on…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Pipe Tristan is the name used by French artisan Tristan Lefebvre. Lefebvre is part of a new wave of up-and-coming hand made pipe carvers from the birthplace of briar, following in the footsteps of figures such as Alain Albuisson, Paul Lanier, and Pierre Morel Sr and Jr. Lefebvre credits a wide range of influences upon…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Caminetto was, and is to this day, a decisive figure in the history of Italy’s pipe workshop tradition. After spending time developing their skills in the Castello workshop, Sergio Ascorti and Luigi Radice left to found their own venture, which they named, ‘Caminetto.’ Here, Ascorti and Radice were able to create their own now-classic shapes…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Like Castello, Mastro de Paja holds a special place in the world of Italian high-grade pipe workshops. Founded in 1972 by Giancarlo Guidi, the MdP team was soon joined by Giannino Spadoni and Bruto Sordini with the Guidi and Spadoni at the helm of the company until 1981. Guidi then left with Sordini to found…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Sebastian Heck is part of younger generation of highly skilled artisans to have emerged from Germany in recent years. Based in Heidelberg, Heck took up pipe smoking—and, ultimately, pipe-making—as part of a conscious effort toward slowing down in an otherwise constantly accelerating modern world. Like many pipe-makers, Heck took his first steps into the craft as a…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
Along with WO Larsen and Suhr’s Pibemageri, Pipe Dan (or Pibe Dan) was one of the foundational workshops in the emergence of post-war Danish pipe-making. Founded in 1943 by H. Dan-Christensen, Pipe Dan not only sold the pipes of pioneering Scandinavian pipe-makers, such as Sixten Ivarsson, Sven Knudsen and Preben Holm, it employed many of…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Thanks to the recommendations of my new hire, I’ve been following developments in the Chinese artisan scene recently, and I’ve…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. The stack billiard, or chimney, is, in my humble opinion, a criminally under-utilized shape in meerschaum pipes. So, I decided…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Just about every pipe-maker stamps their name or brand on a pipe as a seal of approval for its craftsmanship. Sicily’s Salvatore Amorelli, however, went even further, by deciding that every one of his pipes would not only bear his name, but also an 18 karat gold inlay as a testament to their high quality….
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Inspired by the distinctly plump brandy shapes of the Danish post-war scene, this MBSD Silver line meerschaum is for those…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. This MBSD Silver line meerschaum brings together the classic bent brandy shape found in Anglo-French briar pipes with quintessentially Turkish…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Pipe Tristan is the name used by French artisan Tristan Lefebvre. Lefebvre is part of a new wave of up-and-coming hand made pipe carvers from the birthplace of briar, following in the footsteps of figures such as Alain Albuisson, Paul Lanier, and Pierre Morel Sr and Jr. Lefebvre credits a wide range of influences upon…
MBSD Classic is our series of, well, classic meerschaum pipes, with an eye to affordability. As meerschaum has a special place in our heart, we wanted to offer pipes made from this special material to suit every budget. Our classic line is also intended to give those who haven’t yet tried smoking a meer a…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Like Castello, Mastro de Paja holds a special place in the world of Italian high-grade pipe workshops. Founded in 1972 by Giancarlo Guidi, the MdP team was soon joined by Giannino Spadoni and Bruto Sordini with the Guidi and Spadoni at the helm of the company until 1981. Guidi then left with Sordini to found…
Ser Jacopo is likely the most famous contemporary example of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of pipes…
Like Castello, Mastro de Paja holds a special place in the world of Italian high-grade pipe workshops. Founded in 1972 by Giancarlo Guidi, the MdP team was soon joined by Giannino Spadoni and Bruto Sordini with the Guidi and Spadoni at the helm of the company until 1981. Guidi then left with Sordini to found…
The 21st century has seen an explosion of new pipe-makers on the international artisan scene, one that, as of yet, shows no sign of stopping. But there is one artisan among them whose successes and impact on pipes writ large are so far unrivaled by any of his contemporaries. This would be Todd Johnson. Following…
A graduate of industrial design and art history, Xin Li came to pipe-making by chance, after a mutual friend introduced him to the notable Chinese artisan Yang Zhimin. Xin and Yang quickly developed a rapport, in part because both had attended the prestigious China Academy of Art, and because both had an affinity for woodworking….
A graduate of industrial design and art history, Xin Li came to pipe-making by chance, after a mutual friend introduced him to the notable Chinese artisan Yang Zhimin. Xin and Yang quickly developed a rapport, in part because both had attended the prestigious China Academy of Art, and because both had an affinity for woodworking….
Radice is one of the great Italian workshop pipe makes, belonging to a historic lineage of such workshops. The company began as a family affair, being established in 1980 by Luigi Radice, along with his son, Gianluca, and father, Paolo. But Radice’s pipe-making ‘family’ is a little larger than that. Prior to founding Radice, Luigi…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. I’ve been on a bit of a maritime kick lately, having grown to really appreciate the strange, boat-like shapes of…
$200.00Original price was: $200.00.$175.00Current price is: $175.00.
Manuel Shaabi was born in Lebanon, where he trained and worked as a sculptor and cabinet maker. In the 1970s, however, Shaabi had to flee Germany due to the Lebanese Civil War. In Germany, Shabbi re-trained as a cabinet maker, graduating with such high acclaim that he was immediately hired as an instructor to teach…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
$450.00Original price was: $450.00.$410.00Current price is: $410.00.
In 1974, after growing impatient waiting for a pipe he’d ordered, Claudio Cavicchi decided he would simply make his own pipe instead. The former farmer from Bologna, Italy, spent the next 15 years making pipes, until his work took off and received widespread acclaim. Cavicchi’s pipe-making exploits have only become more renowned in the decades…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. Animals have served as popular motifs in meerschaum carving for centuries. Furthermore, there is a group of animals that have been strongly represented…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. The inspiration for this MBSD Silver model came from a distinct mid-century shape – one popularly associated with classic American…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Kaywoodie pipes are as American as apple pie. Starting in 1919 as a pipe brand for KB&B, a pipe shop dating all the way back to 1851, Kaywoodie has since then been a staple of American-made pipes. In the present, many Kaywoodies are collectors’ items, in addition to being fantastic smokers. Kaywoodie’s fittingly-named Heirloom line…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its northeastern Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
Hailing from a family of pipe smokers, American artisan Will Purdy took up the pipe as soon as he graduated from high school. A few decades later, around the turn of the millennium, he began to make his own pipes as well. By 2004, and after building up his workshop and developing his skills, Purdy…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
In the world of pipes, Tom Eltang needs no introduction. I will, however, give one anyway, if just as a reminder. Eltang made his first pipe from a Pipe-Dan hobby kit at the age of 11. At age 16, he apprenticed under the legendary Anne Julie, before moving on to work for Pipe-Dan three years…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
This pipe requires some explaining. In fact, it requires quite a lot of explaining, which will be covered more extensively in our upcoming interview with the now-retired pipe-maker Les Wood. Because that interview is taking more time than expected to edit, I figured I’d ask the interviewer, James, to let me know the basic story…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
I’m a big fan of Abb’s Pipes by Corey “Abb” Brown, an American artisan from my own home state of Georgia. He’s got a real knack for creating handmade, working man’s pipes, with this pot being no exception. It’s classically inclined, but has some good heft to it, including nicely thick bowl walls. It’s also…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Chris Morgan is an American artisan pipe-maker based in California. Beginning his pipe-making career in 2006, Morgan has managed to carve a distinct niche for himself in the contemporary pipe scene – or, rather, many niches. Morgan creates high-grade pipes both as part of his Signature line and as part of his Workshop line, which…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. The inspiration for this MBSD Silver model came from a distinct mid-century shape – one popularly associated with classic American…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
Originally a science teacher in California, Nathan Armentrout began making pipes in 2009 and has since emerged as one of North America’s most talented, high-grade artisan pipe-makers. Inspired by Denmark’s legendary carvers, Nathan’s designs continue the legacy of the Danish pipe-making movement into the present day and expand that legacy through his own unique interpretations…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. The egg shape has become a staple of modern pipe-making since its inception in the works of Danish artisans in…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. We’ve had a new hire recently, and when I asked him what shape he would most like to see in…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
$525.00Original price was: $525.00.$475.00Current price is: $475.00.
While some pipe-makers take inspiration from the natural world, or from the technologies of present and past, few of them in the contemporary seek to represent these forms in their work. Czech artisan Ondrej Bárta of Moonlight pipes does just that, in a way that recalls the intricate, figural carvings of briar pipes from the…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Sometimes you can’t beat the classics. For this MBSD Silver Meerschaum I figured a nice, full bent brandy would be…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Steve Waddell was an American artisan pipe-maker from Iowa. A highly decorated freehand carver, Waddell won various awards for his work, including from France’s prestigious Confrérîe des Maîtres-Pipers de Saint-Claude. Waddell passed away in 2016. If you’ve followed some of our other listings, you may already be familiar with the story of Pipe Collectors International…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. So-called “stubby” pipes are far from new in the world of briar, with prime examples being the designs of Danish…
Originally founded in 1968 by Svend Bang, a former store manager at Denmark’s legendary W.Ø. Larsen, S. Bang would go on to become a legend in its own right, one that would rival even Larsen in fame and acclaim. While Svend himself was not a pipe-maker, he was able to enlist some of the most…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its northeastern Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
B. Barling and Sons was originally founded in 1812 by Benjamin Barling and began as a family business making silver-adorned meerschaum pipes. In the early 20th century, however, the Barling family began to produce what the brand is today most famous for – expertly made briar pipes. This Barling, however, was made by Nording. As…
Over the last decade or so, Indonesia has produced some impressive pipe-makers in the artisan scene. West Java’s Wandi Riyadi was one of the first to receive major international acclaim, inspiring many more of his compatriots to take up the craft – something that we at MBSD, having carried a couple of talented Indonesian artisans,…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Thanks to the recommendations of my new hire, I’ve been following developments in the Chinese artisan scene recently, and I’ve…
A pioneer and undisputed master of Danish artisan pipe-making, Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen began his career, aged 15, repairing pipes for Poul Rasmussen at Suhr’s Pibemageri. Later, Former was referred to the W.O. Larsen workshop by Rasmussen, where – after an examination by Sven Knudsen, who had designed many early Larsen models – he was recruited…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
Andrey Kharitonov is, to my eye, one of the most innovative artisans in pipe-making today. Born in 1961 in the former Soviet Union, Kharitonov’s work has been inspired by a number of his compatriots in the artisan scene, such as Victor Yashtylov, Misha Revyagin, and Alexey Kharmalov. Like the latter, Kharitonov frequently experiments with novel…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
While Ben Wade was a historic British pipe brand, for a time during the 1970s, production of Ben Wade pipes was contracted out to one of Danish pipe-making’s superstars: Preben Holm. Though he would tragically pass away at the age of 42, Holm was one of the pioneering figures in the ‘Danish design’ movement in…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
J.T. Cooke is a Vermont-based American artisan carver with a number of impressive credentials under his belt. Cooke was originally based at Elliot Nachtwalter and Jeorg Jemelka’s The Briar Workshop, in a role which included making pipes for Wilke’s tobacconist in Philadelphia. After leaving the Workshop, Cooke collaborated with Barry Levin in establishing the estate…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Preston Rogers is an American artisan based in Lexington, Kentucky. As keen pipe smoker (with an insatiable appetite for Latakia blends) Rogers was fascinated with modern, handmade pipes but, like so many of us in the community, found that his budget would not allow him to purchase as many of these pipes as he would…
Preston Rogers is an American artisan based in Lexington, Kentucky. As keen pipe smoker (with an insatiable appetite for Latakia blends) Rogers was fascinated with modern, handmade pipes but, like so many of us in the community, found that his budget would not allow him to purchase as many of these pipes as he would…
$1,400.00Original price was: $1,400.00.$1,200.00Current price is: $1,200.00.
Originally founded in 1968 by Svend Bang, a former store manager at Denmark’s legendary W.Ø. Larsen, S. Bang would go on to become a legend in its own right, one that would rival even Larsen in fame and acclaim. While Svend himself was not a pipe-maker, he was able to enlist some of the most…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its northeastern Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Gilbert Henry Krisor, who made pipes under the GHK moniker, was an American artisan based in California. Though Krisor began making pipes only after his retirement, Krisor’s pipes would ultimately achieve significant acclaim and would even feature in the personal collections of celebrity pipe-smokers, such as Jack Lemmon and Anwar Sadat. Krisor died in 1984….
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Pipe Tristan is the name used by French artisan Tristan Lefebvre. Lefebvre is part of a new wave of up-and-coming hand made pipe carvers from the birthplace of briar, following in the footsteps of figures such as Alain Albuisson, Paul Lanier, and Pierre Morel Sr and Jr. Lefebvre credits a wide range of influences upon…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
$235.00Original price was: $235.00.$220.00Current price is: $220.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Mastro Geppetto pipes are made by the Italian workshop brand Ser Jacopo. One could call them Ser Jacopo’s series of ‘affordable’ pipes, and while this would be correct purely from the standpoint of price, it wouldn’t be entirely fair to them in other regards. Geppetto pipes are hand made from the same high-grade briar as…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Chacom is one of France’s most historic and iconic makes. Its founders, the Comoy family, began their career as boxwood pipe-makers in the early 1800s, before briar had even been discovered, with Henri Comoy (of Comoy’s fame) emigrating to England in 1879 and founding the country’s first briar pipe factory. In 1922, Henri and his…
A pioneer and undisputed master of Danish artisan pipe-making, Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen began his career, aged 15, repairing pipes for Poul Rasmussen at Suhr’s Pibemageri. Later, Former was referred to the W.O. Larsen workshop by Rasmussen, where – after an examination by Sven Knudsen, who had designed many early Larsen models – he was recruited…
$340.00Original price was: $340.00.$300.00Current price is: $300.00.
At MBSD, our mainstay of meerschaum pipes are our Deluxe Meerschaums, which are all fitted with a patented Briar-Mortise system. But we, like many meerschaum smokers, also appreciate how good sterling silver looks on a meerschaum pipe too. So with each batch of pipes from our carver in Türkiye, we try to have a few…
Originally founded in 1968 by Svend Bang, a former store manager at Denmark’s legendary W.Ø. Larsen, S. Bang would go on to become a legend in its own right, one that would rival even Larsen in fame and acclaim. While Svend himself was not a pipe-maker, he was able to enlist some of the most…
Born and raised in the small town of Gueydan, Louisana, Jay Mouton is an American artisan who works under the moniker of J. Mouton. Having crafted duck calls since he was a teenager, Mouton’s first forays into pipe-making began with carving tampers. Mouton’s unexpected successes with these handmade tampers allowed him to purchase the equipment…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
H. Willmer and Sons was an English pipe workshop founded at some point in the mid-20th century. Harold Willmer himself was the brother of Dan Tennyson, one of Charatan’s freehand carvers, and would, according to Ken Barnes, often buy bowls from Charatan’s freehand workshop, which would be subsequently finished by Willmer’s craftsmen. In addition to…
Mastro Geppetto pipes are made by the Italian workshop brand Ser Jacopo. One could call them Ser Jacopo’s series of ‘affordable’ pipes, and while this would be correct purely from the standpoint of price, it wouldn’t be entirely fair to them in other regards. Geppetto pipes are hand made from the same high-grade briar as…
$235.00Original price was: $235.00.$210.00Current price is: $210.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Chacom is one of France’s most historic and iconic makes. Its founders, the Comoy family, began their career as boxwood pipe-makers in the early 1800s, before briar had even been discovered, with Henri Comoy (of Comoy’s fame) emigrating to England in 1879 and founding the country’s first briar pipe factory. In 1922, Henri and his…
Doctor’s Pipes are made by artisan pipe-maker Roman Kovalev. Based in Saint Petersburg, Kovalev’s pipe-making moniker derives from his sixteen years spent as a pediatric neurologist, and the consequent nickname of ‘Doc’ given by his friends. Taking up pipe-making in the early 2010s, and with a great deal of inspiration from Japanese masters such as…
Chris Morgan is an American artisan pipe-maker based in California. Beginning his pipe-making career in 2006, Morgan has managed to carve a distinct niche for himself in the contemporary pipe scene – or, rather, many niches. Morgan creates high-grade pipes both as part of his Signature line and as part of his Workshop line, which…
$380.00Original price was: $380.00.$350.00Current price is: $350.00.
Ser Jacopo is likely the most famous contemporary example of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of pipes…
Karl Erik was a Danish pipe-maker, and one of the originators of the Danish style of pipe-making that swept the world in the 20th century. He was a prolific carver and many who apprenticed in his workshop went on to become iconic pipe-makers in their own right, such as Peder Jeppesen and Bent Nielsen (Benner)….
$240.00Original price was: $240.00.$220.00Current price is: $220.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
$240.00Original price was: $240.00.$215.00Current price is: $215.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
If you’re familiar with high-grade pipes – especially those from Denmark – you’ll likely have at least heard of Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen. Former began his career, aged 15, repairing pipes for Poul Rasmussen at Suhr’s Pibemageri. Later, Former was referred to the W.O. Larsen workshop by Rasmussen, where – after an examination by Sven Knudsen,…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Among today’s vibrant scene of high-grade artisan pipe-makers, there are yet few who command as much respect as Jess Chonowitsch. He began his career in 1966, working alongside his father, Emil, at Teofil Suhr’s workshop and under Poul Rasmussen’s direction. After Rasmussen’s passing in 1967, Jess joined the W.O. Larsen workshop alongside other budding masters,…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Tim West is one of the United States’ oldest living artisan pipe-makers, having made his first pipe all the way back in 1967, and having become a full-time pipe maker since 1975. A legend in the scene, West has produced thousands of pipes in his lifetime, and has won his far share of awards for…
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
$350.00Original price was: $350.00.$325.00Current price is: $325.00.
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
$200.00Original price was: $200.00.$180.00Current price is: $180.00.
Karim Pipes are made by Abdul Karim, an artisan pipe-maker based in Tangerang, Indonesia. A pipe-maker since 2016, Karim is part of an emerging 21st century movement of Indonesian artisan carvers, including Wandi Riyadi, Deden Hendan Durahman of Caxra Pipes, Karim’s mentor, Edy Bima, and Karim’s mentee, Bennie Joe, whose pipes MBSD has also sold….
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
$640.00Original price was: $640.00.$580.00Current price is: $580.00.
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
$420.00Original price was: $420.00.$400.00Current price is: $400.00.
A graduate of Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa, Michele Sottocasa has been making pipes for over a decade under the la Biota name. Prior to becoming a pipe-maker, Sottocasa trained and worked as a designer and art director, and la Biota pipes continue this drive towards a distinct aesthetic vision. The name, ‘la Biota,’ originally…
Wojtek Pastuch is an artisan pipe-maker from Poland. A former student of Mimmo Romeo and Tom Eltang, Pastuch has been carving pipes since 2011, recently serving as part of the visiting faculty for Italy’s prestigious Academia della Pipa alongside its Mastri Romeo, Gioacchino Sauro, Davide Iafisco, and Gabriele Dal Fiume. Given Wojtek Pastuch’s pipe-making education, it seems only…
$240.00Original price was: $240.00.$220.00Current price is: $220.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
$230.00Original price was: $230.00.$215.00Current price is: $215.00.
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
A pioneer and undisputed master of Danish artisan pipe-making, Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen began his career, aged 15, repairing pipes for Poul Rasmussen at Suhr’s Pibemageri. Later, Former was referred to the W.O. Larsen workshop by Rasmussen, where – after an examination by Sven Knudsen, who had designed many early Larsen models – he was recruited…
While artisan pipe-making has historically been associated with North America, Europe, and Japan, talented carvers from more and more countries are being brought to the fore thanks to social media. One of these countries is Indonesia, and one of these carvers is Mohammad Anggi, the make of G Pipes. I’ve categorized this pipe from Indonesian…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its northeastern Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
In 2022, Chris Morgan teamed up with friend and fellow artisan pipe-maker Sean Reum to create the Workshop series. The series was intended to be a step-up from factory pipes, offering pipe smokers hand made pipes at a more affordable price point. Small batches of Workshop pipes continue to be made every so often, though…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its northeastern Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
A pioneer and undisputed master of Danish artisan pipe-making, Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen began his career, aged 15, repairing pipes for Poul Rasmussen at Suhr’s Pibemageri. Later, Former was referred to the W.O. Larsen workshop by Rasmussen, where – after an examination by Sven Knudsen, who had designed many early Larsen models – he was recruited…
$550.00Original price was: $550.00.$450.00Current price is: $450.00.
MBSD Meerschaum Masters is our line for special, typically figural, meerschaum pipes carved by some of today’s greatest living meerschaum carvers. For this pipe, we enlisted the services of Turkish master Kenan. The closest classical art form to meerschaum carving is sculpture. In this instance, the closest analog in the sculptural arts as classically defined,…
Tsuge is Japan’s largest and most internationally renowned pipe company, having been founded in 1936 by Kyoichiro Tsuge. In the 1970s, however, Tsuge was so impressed by the pipes coming out of Denmark, that he sent two of Tsuge’s own master pipe-makers, Kazuhiro Fukuda and Smio Satou, to hone their craft under the likes of…
Introducing our MBSD Meerschaum Deluxe Natural, featuring the innovative Briar-Mortis technology and a design inspired by the earth’s meerschaum formations. Retaining much of its natural shape, the remaining portions are expertly crafted into distinctive freehand designs, ensuring each pipe is one of a kind. Every Deluxe Natural is accompanied with a custom-fitted case for added…
This large billiard is outside the norm of the Astleys we’ve stocked in the past. It’s on the bigger side at 7″ long, and sporting an almost 22m wide chamber. The birds-eye is stunning! This beautiful billiard has been lightly smoked and meticulously maintained. Nomenclature: 109 Jermyn ST London Details: Length: 7″ Bowl…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Ferndown pipes were made by the legendary British pipe-maker Leslie ‘Les’ John Wood, along with his wife Dolly. Both Les and Dolly previously worked for Dunhill, where Les developed his skills and reputation as Britain’s premier pipe silversmith. After leaving Dunhill, Les and Dolly began making their own pipes, with their combined knowledge and experience,…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
J.T. Cooke is a Vermont-based American artisan carver with a number of impressive credentials under his belt. Cooke was originally based at Elliot Nachtwalter and Jeorg Jemelka’s The Briar Workshop, in a role which included making pipes for Wilke’s tobacconist in Philadelphia. After leaving the Workshop, Cooke collaborated with Barry Levin in establishing the estate…
With a legacy spanning several decades, J.M. Boswell has solidified his place as a distinguished artisan among the top of American pipe making. Hailing from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Boswell’s journey into the world of pipe craftsmanship began in the early 1970s. Fueled by a passion for both art and tobacco, he embarked on a quest to…
Tsuge is Japan’s largest and most internationally renowned pipe company, having been founded in 1936 by Kyoichiro Tsuge. In the 1970s, however, Tsuge himself was so impressed by the pipes coming out of Denmark, that he sent two of Tsuge’s own master pipe-makers, Kazuhiro Fukuda and Smio Satou, to hone their craft under the likes…
Much like London, Saint-Claude, Copenhagen, Pesaro, and Tokyo before it, Saint Petersburg emerged, in the later decades of the 20th century, as one of the powerhouses of high-grade pipes—especially high-grade artisan pipes. Commentators sometimes speak of a “Saint Petersburg school” in this regard, which includes figures such as Vladimir Grechukhin, Sergey Dyomin, Alexander Tupitsyn, and,…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
If you’ve been keeping up with the world of Chinese pipe making, their artisan scene has been really taking off over the last decade. Like the great Danish institutions of old, many of these pipes are produced in artisan workshops such as Zhiputang, Qi Studio, and GH Zhang. Hong Kong’s HS Studio follows a similar…
Starting out as a pipe restorer, Belgian artisan Bruno Nuttens moved onto producing his own pipes under the careful guidance of France’s most esteemed master pipe makers, Pierre Morel Jr. Nuttens’ first pipes creating relatively traditional pipes—often using carefully selected, decades-seasoned stummels from France’s historic Saint-Claude factories—but he would soon begin developing entirely handmade pipes…
I’m not sure who made this meerschaum pipe, but they certainly did a good job. Like my own carver and I, the makers of this Danish-style egg shaped piece (also could be considered a Danish fish) seem to have been influenced by the Danish greats, with this one being evocative of Lars Ivarsson, Kurt Balleby,…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Caminetto was, and is to this day, a decisive figure in the history of Italy’s pipe workshop tradition. After spending time developing their skills in the Castello workshop, Sergio Ascorti and Luigi Radice left to found their own venture, which they named, ‘Caminetto.’ Here, Ascorti and Radice were able to create their own now-classic shapes…
Who made this pipe? It’s certainly not like the typical seconds one finds from Italy (which is one way that major Italian pipe companies deal with pipes that aren’t quite perfect as far as aesthetics go). In fact, it looks handmade, and if it didn’t say “Italy” on the stem, I might think it was…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Custom-Bilt pipes were originally created in the early 20th century by Tracy Mincer, an American pipe-maker. Later adopting the slogan, ‘As Individual as a Thumbprint,’ Custom-Bilts were each rusticated by hand, giving them their signature rugged look, and ensuring that no two Custom-Bilts were exactly alike. Today, these pipes are prized by collectors, pipe history…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
In recent decades, Saint Petersburg has emerged as a hub for the production of some of the world’s finest and most sought-after pipes, securing a place alongside such cities as London, Copenhagen, and Tokyo. In fact, there is now recognized to be a “Saint Petersburg school” of pipe making, with its own, distinct style and…
In 1974, after growing impatient waiting for a pipe he’d ordered, Claudio Cavicchi decided he would simply make his own pipe instead. The former farmer from Bologna, Italy, spent the next 15 years making pipes, until his work took off and received widespread acclaim. Cavicchi’s pipe-making exploits have only become more renowned in the decades…
Peter Tóth is an artisan living in a small village in Hungary. Being from such a small village, Tóth found it difficult to procure pipes for his own enjoyment, so he decided to make his own. Where Tóth is from this is not uncommon; in his words, “It’s a villager thing.” His pipes embody a…
Peter Tóth is an artisan living in a small village in Hungary. Being from such a small village, Tóth found it difficult to procure pipes for his own enjoyment, so he decided to make his own. Where Tóth is from this is not uncommon; in his words, “It’s a villager thing.” His pipes embody a…
Peter Tóth is an artisan living in a small village in Hungary. Being from such a small village, Tóth found it difficult to procure pipes for his own enjoyment, so he decided to make his own. Where Tóth is from this is not uncommon; in his words, “It’s a villager thing.” His pipes embody a…
Mutcat pipes are made by Mutcat Cat, an Indonesian artisan residing in its Central Java province. A pipe-maker for many years, and a pipe-smoker for even longer, Mutcat’s pipes are frequently innovative in their use of alternative, home-grown materials and elaborate forms and finishes. This is not only because of a desire to offer pipe-smokers…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
BriarWorks represents the dream of many a pipe maker, being a workshop owned and stewarded by artisans whose mission is to produce affordable pipes of their own design. Founded in 2013 in Tennessee by American pipe making legends Todd Johnson and Pete Prevost, BriarWorks has gone from strength to strength in the years since, not…
Born in Romania, Rolando Negoita studied at the National University of Arts in Bucharest before moving to the United States, where he was a professor at the Parsons School of Design in New York. Negoita’s first forays into pipe-making began in what was then the Socialist Republic of Romania, due to impassible difficulties in acquiring…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
A living legend in Danish pipe-making, Tonni Nielsen first began his career at the age of 16, at the historic W.O. Larsen workshop. Here he apprenticed under Hans ‘Former’ Nielsen and Teddy Knudsen, and within a few years, he was already carving Larsen’s high-grade Straight Grain pipes. After going solo and continuing his successes, Nielsen…
Ferndown pipes were made by the legendary British pipe-maker Leslie ‘Les’ John Wood, along with his wife Dolly. Both Les and Dolly previously worked for Dunhill, where Les developed his skills and reputation as Britain’s premier pipe silversmith. After leaving Dunhill, Les and Dolly began making their own pipes, with their combined knowledge and experience,…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
There are few pipe makers as willing to push the boundaries of pipe design as Yiannos Kokkinos. He belongs to that rare class of artisans, joined by figures such as Roger Wallenstein, Manfred Hortig, and Werner Mummert, who continually experiments not only with novel shapes, but also finishes and color schemes. This freehand, for example,…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Astleys was one of London’s most historic pipe and tobacco shops. Like many pipe tobacconists, its owners had pipes made specially to be sold under the shop’s name. Astleys pipes, however, were made by some of the premier pipe manufacturers and artisans in the UK, such as Dunhill, Charatan, Les Wood and Dolly Wood of…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British handmade, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Like many Italian workshop brands, Ardor pipes are a family affair. The name itself is an acronym of Angelo Rovera and Dorelio Rovera, father and son pipe-makers who created the brand in 1972. The Rovera family’s history with pipes goes back much further, however, as Angelo’s own father, Francesco, had previously established the Sociedade Rovera…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
While Austria may not have the same number of pipe makers as its neighbouring Germany, the ones it does have tend to be highly talented and highly idiosyncratic. Austria is, after all, the land of Peter Matzhold, Josef Prammer, and Klaus Zenz. And, of course, it was also the land of David Wagner Baff, who…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
MBSD Classic is our series of, well, classic meerschaum pipes, with an eye to affordability. As meerschaum has a special place in our heart, we wanted to offer pipes made from this special material to suit every budget. Our classic line is also intended to give those who haven’t yet tried smoking a meer’ a…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
MBSD Classic is our series of, well, classic meerschaum pipes, with an eye to affordability. As meerschaum has a special place in our heart, we wanted to offer pipes made from this special material to suit every budget. Our classic line is also intended to give those who haven’t yet tried smoking a meer’ a…
One of the easily overlooked facets of buying and selling estate pipes is that it’s not always just pipes that come through in any given lot. Just as interesting, sometimes, are the accessories, especially the ones that are handmade. I don’t happen to know who made this one, but it’s a good looking little thing….
Taking their name from architect Richard Meier’s avant-garde homestead just off the Long Island Sound, Smith House Pipes are the creation of New York artisan Rich Rosselli. Like the Danish-American functionalists before him, Rosselli excels at creating modernized renditions of tried-and-true, traditional, Anglo-French staples. This he combines with novel uses of color and ornamentation, giving…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Beginning his career as a pipe-maker in the 1970s, Randy Wiley was a key figure in the new wave of American artisans in the late-20th century pipe scene – and still is today, nearly 50 years later. Wiley’s pipes might be characterized as American freehand in style; though he has occasionally made more traditional pieces,…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
Merchant Service was, originally, a mid-century British pipe brand founded by Herbert Merchant, and is today most remembered for manufacturing the pencil-shank billiard pipes favored by Bing Crosby. As with so many pipe companies of days gone by, Herbert Merchant Inc. was ultimately dissolved, with the Merchant Service story seemingly coming to a close—until something…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
The Colossus Pipe Factory, known by its initials C.P.F., is a make that is – as of yet – still a little shrouded in mystery. What is known is that the make was established in 1851 and that it was owned by Kaufman Bros & Bondy (later of Kaywoodie fame) by at least 1898. It is…
Peterson pipes generally need no introduction, but just in case you’re unfamiliar: in 1876, a Latvian named Charles Peterson immigrated to Ireland and was hired making pipes in a workshop owned by Frederick and George Kapp. After rising through the ranks to become head craftsman, Peterson bought into the Kapp’s business, which was renamed, Kapp…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Though I don’t know the exact maker, this particular pipe is a classic, 1/4 bent billiard, featuring a quintessentially Turkish lattice caving. It’s a very lightweight piece, which should make it an easy clencher. This pipe is completely unsmoked and comes with its original fitted case. Details: Length: 5.6″ / 142.2mm Bowl Width: 0.77…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Karim Pipes are made by Abdul Karim, an artisan pipe-maker based in Tangerang, Indonesia. A pipe-maker since 2016, Karim is part of an emerging 21st century movement of Indonesian artisan carvers, including Wandi Riyadi, Deden Hendan Durahman of Caxra Pipes, Karim’s mentor, Edy Bima, and Karim’s mentee, Bennie Joe, whose pipes MBSD has also sold….
The Colossus Pipe Factory, known by its initials C.P.F., is a make that is – as of yet – still a little shrouded in mystery. What is known is that the make was established in 1851 and that it was owned by Kaufman Bros & Bondy (later of Kaywoodie fame) by at least 1898. It is…
Known as the “dean of American pipe designers” Ed Burak was not a pipe-maker per se. Rather, Burak was someone who worked with the master carvers of his time to bring his distinct ideas of what a pipe could be to life. As the owner of the Connoisseur Pipe Shop, Burak designed freehand pipes so…
While China has long been associated with cheaper factory pipes, a new generation of artisans and workshops have emerged over the past decade, producing some genuinely excellent pipes. HS Studio is an example of the latter, being a Hong Kong workshop dedicated to crafting handmade briars, typically in shapes and styles reminiscent of the post-war…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. So-called “stubby” pipes are far from new in the world of briar, with prime examples being the designs of Danish…
Caminetto was, and is to this day, a decisive figure in the history of Italy’s pipe workshop tradition. After spending time developing their skills in the Castello workshop, Guiseppe Ascorti and Luigi Radice left to found their own venture, which they named, ‘Caminetto.’ Here, Ascorti and Radice were able to create their own now-classic shapes…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British handmade, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Caminetto was, and is to this day, a decisive figure in the history of Italy’s pipe workshop tradition. After spending time developing their skills in the Castello workshop, Guiseppe Ascorti and Luigi Radice left to found their own venture, which they named, ‘Caminetto.’ Here, Ascorti and Radice were able to create their own now-classic shapes…
While Ben Wade was a historic British pipe brand, for a time during the 1970s, production of Ben Wade pipes was contracted out to one of Danish pipe-making’s superstars: Preben Holm. Though he would tragically pass away at the age of 42, Holm was one of the pioneering figures in the ‘Danish design’ movement in…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. Along with our meerschaums modeled on the shapes and styles of modern, Danish and post-Danish briar pipe designs, I also…
Those who are familiar with the pipes of Les Wood will likely have several questions about this pipe. I will try to answer them as briefly as possible. If you’ve followed our listings over the last few months, you might have seen some of the “Jacobean” pipes we’d discovered in an old new old stock…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British handmade, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Jes Phillip Vigen Gertsen, known professionally as Ph. Vigen, is a relatively mysterious figure within Danish pipe-making. His work is distinct and recognizable, and has garnered significant attention and acclaim from collectors, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him photographed. It is known that he worked at WO Larsen under foreman Hans “Former” Nielsen,…
While Dunhill may be Britain’s most famous pipe brand, Charatan is not only older, but has the honor of being the first to have made its pipes entirely in-house. ‘Charatan’s Make’ referred to the fact that, at a time when other pipe companies were sourcing stummels and stems carved from other companies before assembling them…
Radice is one of the great Italian workshop pipe makes, belonging to a historic lineage of such workshops. The company began as a family affair, being established in 1980 by Luigi Radice, along with his son, Gianluca, and father, Paolo. But Radice’s pipe-making ‘family’ is a little larger than that. Prior to founding Radice, Luigi…
Stanwell is one of Denmark’s most celebrated and enduring pipe companies, having been founded by Poul Nielsen shortly after the second world war. Over the last six decades, Stanwell has established itself as both a leader in innovative Danish design and for producing well-priced pipes with precision construction and engineering. Many of its designs were…
Kaywoodie pipes are as American as apple pie. Starting in 1919 as a pipe brand for KB&B, a pipe shop dating all the way back to 1851, Kaywoodie has since then been a staple of American-made pipes. In the present, many Kaywoodies are collectors’ items, in addition to being fantastic smokers. Debuting in the 1960s,…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Since at least 1948, renowned artisans in the high-grade scene have lent designs to pipe factories and workshops so that they may be produced on a larger scale—and at a more affordable price point. Danish companies such as Stanwell, Pibe Dan, and WO Larsen, through their partnerships with figures such as Sixten Ivarsson, Tom Eltang,…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
KB&B, or Kaufmann Bros & Bondy, was an American pipe company established in the mid-19th century, most famous today for having created Kaywoodie. The company originally made pipes under the KB&B name, but their innovative designs and patents soon led them to market several makes under the KB&B umbrella, including Kaywoodie, Yello-Bole, and CPF. Though…
It is probably fair to say that Savinelli is Italy’s most famous pipe brand. Founded in Milan in 1876 by Achille Savinelli, the brand has continuously offered high quality pipes for nearly 150 years. Though various Savinelli lines have come and gone over the years, the brand has always been notable for putting out classically…
After being a pipe smoker for over forty years, Illinois native ultimately Kevin Arthur decided to make his own briars. That was back in 2007, with Arthur soon attracting a good deal of attention when presenting his work at various pipe shows. While the last Kevin Arthur we had in was very traditionally inclined, this…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
While China has long been associated with cheaper factory pipes, a new generation of artisans and workshops have emerged over the past decade, producing some genuinely excellent pipes. HS Studio is an example of the latter, being a Hong Kong workshop dedicated to crafting handmade briars, typically in shapes and styles reminiscent of the post-war…
Don Carlos belongs to a historic lineage within Italian pipe making. The workshop was founded by Bruto Sordini (along with his wife Rosaria), who had previously made pipes for Mastro de Paja, where he also met Giancarlo Guidi. In 1981, Sordini and Guidi left Mastro de Paja to found their own workshop, Ser Jacopo. After…
Jarl pipes were made by Niels Mogens Jørgensen, a Danish pipe-maker in the 20th century. They were manufactured in Kolding, Denmark, not far from the factory of another great Danish company, Bari. While Jarl pipes are less well known than Bari or other contemporaries, their designs were as innovative and distinctly ‘Scandinavian’ or ‘Danish’ as…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Peter Heeschen was one of the great Danish pipe-makers of the late-20th and early 21st-century. Heeschen’s father was a pipe-maker who worked primarily with cherry wood, which provided an early impetus for him to experiment with making his own pipes. Heeschen did not immediately pursue a career in pipe-making, however, and instead drifted in and…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
Ferndown pipes were made by the legendary British pipe-maker Leslie ‘Les’ John Wood, along with his wife Dolly. Both Les and Dolly previously worked for Dunhill, where Les developed his skills and reputation as Britain’s premier pipe silversmith, as well as one of its premier pipe carvers. Ferndown pipes are highly coveted by pipe-smokers due…
Il Ceppo is an Italian brand that has been producing high-grade pipes since the 1970s. Founded by the architect Giorgio Imperatori in Pesaro, Italy, Il Ceppo is a central figure in what has been called the Pesaro School of pipe design, along with other companies such as Ser Jacopo and Mastro de Paja. This particular…
Astleys was one of London’s most historic pipe and tobacco shops. Like many pipe tobacconists, its owners had pipes made specially to be sold under the shop’s name. Astleys pipes, however, were made by some of the premier pipe manufacturers and artisans in the UK, such as Dunhill, Charatan, Les Wood and Dolly Wood of…
Dave Neeb spent the first part of his life as an attorney. Upon retiring, however, he turned his hand to an altogether different vocation: pipes. First, Neeb was a pipe seller; he then learned the art of pipe restoration; finally, under the tutelage of Lee Von Erck and Rad Davis, he took up making artisan…
You may have wondered, as I often do, what would happen if professional meerschaum carver was to turn their attention to briar wood, and to make pipes out of that instead. While many early briar pipe manufacturers, such as Frederick Charatan, made just such a transition back in the late 19th century, both briar and…
WO Larsen was a tobacconist in Copenhagen Denmark. In the 1960s, when Danish-style pipes were becoming highly sought after, thanks to revolutionary pipe-makers such as Sixten Ivarsson, a workshop was set up on the Larsen premises to produce enough high-grade Danish pipes to meet demand. This workshop was staffed by the emerging masters of Danish…
Peterson pipes generally need no introduction, but just in case you’re unfamiliar: in 1876, a Latvian named Charles Peterson immigrated to Ireland and was hired making pipes in a workshop owned by Frederick and George Kapp. After rising through the ranks to become head craftsman, Peterson bought into the Kapp’s business, which was renamed, Kapp…
To call Canada’s Todd Bannard, the artisan behind Briar, Sweat and Tears (BST) pipes, a “cult favorite” would be a profound understatement. Like his fellow countrymen Michael Parks and Julius Vesz, Bannard’s work has demonstrated that, though Canada may have far fewer pipe-makers than its neighbors in the US, Canadian handmades truly are a matter…
Sven Lar was the name used by a workshop headed by American freehand carver Michael Kabik. Kabik got his start as one of the earliest freehand carvers in the United States, working for CHP-X Pipes, owned by Chuck Holiday, in the early-1970s. After CHP-X was forced to close, Kabik was approached with the offer of…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
Peterson pipes generally need no introduction, but just in case you’re unfamiliar: in 1876, a Latvian named Charles Peterson immigrated to Ireland and was hired making pipes in a workshop owned by Frederick and George Kapp. After rising through the ranks to become head craftsman, Peterson bought into the Kapp’s business, which was renamed, Kapp…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Bari was a pipe company founded in Kolding, Denmark, in 1950. Along with Stanwell, Bari was one of the first companies that started the Danish movement in pipe-making, offering innovative designs and propelling its founders and carvers into celebrity status within the pipe world. Bari’s founder was Viggo Nielsen, whose sons Kai Nielsen and Jørgen…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Nørding was founded by Erik Nørding in the 1960s, and is one of the oldest remaining companies to come out of the Scandinavian pipe-making renaissance that began in the mid-20th century. Now in his 80s, Erik Nørding is one of the most experienced and skilled pipe-makers in the world, and over the decades he has…
Over the last decade, Sean Reum has emerged as one of North America’s most admired and in-demand pipe-makers, with his fans including, among many others, the one and only G.L. Pease. Having followed Reum’s career for many years, including catching a few glimpses of the artisan in his Montana workshop, I’m happy to say that…
Aldo Velani pipes are made by Cesare Barontini at the latter’s factory in Italy. Originally, Aldo Velani was conceived by Mastercraft to be a new Italian make for the American market, as all of Mastercraft’s other pipes at the time were of English or French origin. Mastercraft partnered with Barontini, and thus the Aldo Velani…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
It is very likely that Indiana’s Nate King had something of a “head start,” or at least an advantage, when he first took up pipe making, by virtue of his previous careers. First employed as a transmission specialist in an IndyCar pit crew, before moving on to work as an aeronautical engineer, King came to…
Radice is one of the great Italian workshop pipe makes, belonging to a historic lineage of such workshops. The company began as a family affair, being established in 1980 by Luigi Radice, along with his son, Gianluca, and father, Paolo. But Radice’s pipe-making ‘family’ is a little larger than that. Prior to founding Radice, Luigi…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Tsuge is Japan’s largest and most internationally renowned pipe company, having been founded in 1936 by Kyoichiro Tsuge. In the 1970s, however, Tsuge was so impressed by the pipes coming out of Denmark, that he sent two of Tsuge’s own master pipe-makers, Kazuhiro Fukuda and Smio Satou, to hone their craft under the likes of…
Astleys was one of London’s most historic pipe and tobacco shops. Like many pipe tobacconists, its owners had pipes made specially to be sold under the shop’s name. Astleys pipes, however, were made by some of the premier pipe manufacturers and artisans in the UK, such as Dunhill, Charatan, Les Wood and Dolly Wood of…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Stefano Santambrogio is one of only a handful of people in the world that can claim to be a third-generation pipe-maker. Like Nanna Ivarsson and Federico Becker, Santambrogio’s father and grandfather both made their living crafting pipes, with Santambrogio inheriting his workshop from his father, Renzo, just as Renzo inherited it (with his brother Armando)…
While China has long been associated with cheaper factory pipes, a new generation of artisans and workshops have emerged over the past decade, producing some genuinely excellent pipes. HS Studio is an example of the latter, being a Hong Kong workshop dedicated to crafting handmade briars, typically in shapes and styles reminiscent of the post-war…
With its origins in an 1858 collaboration between Jean-Baptiste Choquin and Gustave Butz, Butz-Choquin ultimately become one of the premier smoking pipe companies in 20th century France. The brand is known both for its stylish variations on traditional English-French shapes and for its exploration of atypical and elaborate finishes. The brand is also known for…
You may have wondered, as I often do, what would happen if professional meerschaum carver was to turn their attention to briar wood, and to make pipes out of that instead. While many early briar pipe manufacturers, such as Frederick Charatan, made just such a transition back in the late 19th century, both briar and…
Kiko was a brand of pipes produced by the Kilimanjaro Pipe Company, a pipe company based in what is now Tanganyika in the United Republic of Tanzania. Kiko pipes were made from what is commonly known as African meerschaum, a denser variety of the mineral than its Turkish counterpart. Unfortunately, the last African meerschaum pipes…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Alongside Julius Vesz, Phillip Trypis, and John Calich, Blatter is one of the pre-eminent names within the history of Canadian handmade pipes. But it is the Blatter name that has thus far endured for the longest time within that history. This is because the Blatter family have been in the business of making and selling…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
This particular pipe came to us with a batch of new old stock (NOS) pipes from a store closure a few states over. Based on what I was able to research, the Mina company runs a pipe workshop in China, not unlike HS Studio or GH Zhang, which produces a number of different makes based…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
SederCraft pipes are made by Kraig Sederquist, an American artisan based in California. While Sederquist’s pipes vary in shaping and style, his pipes are predominantly freehand, following an ethos of letting the materials used (such as briar) decide what they will be, based on their natural affordances. I’ve been a fan of Kraig Sederquist’s work…
Preston Rogers is an American artisan based in Lexington, Kentucky. As keen pipe smoker (with an insatiable appetite for Latakia blends) Rogers was fascinated with modern, handmade pipes but, like so many of us in the community, found that his budget would not allow him to purchase as many of these pipes as he would…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Beginning his career as a pipe-maker in the 1970s, Randy Wiley was a key figure in the new wave of American artisans in the late-20th century pipe scene – and still is today, nearly 50 years later. Wiley’s pipes might be characterized as American freehand in style; though he has occasionally made more traditional pieces,…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Karim Pipes are made by Abdul Karim, an artisan pipe-maker based in Tangerang, Indonesia. A pipe-maker since 2016, Karim is part of an emerging 21st century movement of Indonesian artisan carvers, including Wandi Riyadi, Deden Hendan Durahman of Caxra Pipes, Karim’s mentor, Edy Bima, and Karim’s mentee, Bennie Joe, whose pipes MBSD has also sold….
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Alongside near-contemporaries such as Otto Pollner and Karlheinz Joura, Rainer Barbi was one of the ‘grand old men’ of German artisan pipe-making. Beginning his career in the 1970s, Barbi was largely self-taught, but nevertheless managed to establish a reputation as one of the most talented freehand pipe carvers in the world. In his later years,…
While figural carvings are typically associated with meerschaum pipes today, it was very common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for briar pipes to be similarly carved, and indeed to be carved in similar themes to their meerschaum counterparts. I’m not entirely sure when this one was made, as I think Lane Ltd…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Walt Cannoy first emerged as a major figure in the the North American pipe-making renaissance around the turn of the millennium. Originally an R&D mechanic, Cannoy carved and sold his first pipe in 1999, having been inspired by artisan pipe-makers as diverse as Preben Holm, Robert ‘Micoli’ Burns, and Joe Mariner. Cannoy would soon rise…
Those who were around during the 2010s may remember Luciano pipes. They were the creation of Luca di Piazza, owner of the now seemingly defunct Italian retailer NeatPipes, and were very well received when they made their American debut. Produced in partnership with Radice, and with some designs co-created with GL Pease, Luciano became a…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
After the success of our MBSD Deluxe meerschaum pipes, which feature a patented Briar-Mortise system for extra durability, we’ve been developing additional series to offer an even greater range of meers for our customers. One of these series is the Deluxe Silver, which features a mortise strengthened both by briar on the interior, and sterling…
As a child, Piero Vitale spent many an afternoon in the workshop of his grandfather, who was a carpenter and luthier. This proclivity for working with his hands translated into a number of artistic pursuits as he grew up, including painting and wood carving. Then Vitale was introduced to the world of handmade pipes by…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Over the last decade or so, Indonesia has produced some impressive pipe-makers in the artisan scene. West Java’s Wandi Riyadi was one of the first to receive major international acclaim, inspiring many more of his compatriots to take up the craft – something that we at MBSD, having carried a couple of talented Indonesian artisans,…
Larry Roush is an American artisan, one whose work has led him to be one of the most esteemed and in-demand figures in the contemporary handmades scene. Though he is a former student of Mike Butera, who he would later collaborate with from time to time, Roush’s style is wholly his own. Already in 2004,…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. As with many of our Deluxe series meerschaums, this pipe was inspired by prominent briar shapes. More specifically, this one…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Ashton is an English pipe brand created by William Ashton Taylor, a former Dunhill pipe-maker who left Dunhill in the 1980s to make pipes under his own name. Along with other pipe-makers such as Ken Barnes and Barry Jones of James Upshall and Les Wood of Ferndown, Ashton emerged as part of a new wave…
Bjarne Nielsen was one of the towering figures of Danish pipe-making until his passing in 2008. As the founder of Bjarne, Nielsen employed talented pipe-makers from Denmark to produce distinctly Danish pipes and sold them to a devoted international audience. Among those in his employ were figures such as Mogens Johansen (also known as Johs),…
Ser Jacopo is one of the most famous contemporary examples of high-grade, workshop-made Italian pipes. It also belongs to a very special tradition in Italian pipe-making, having been established by Giancarlo Guidi and Bruno Sordini after the two had left another great Italian workshop, Mastro de Paja. Together, Guidi and Sordini created a brand of…
Originally trained as a woodworker, Nashville’s Zack Hamric took up pipe making as a hobbyist in the late 20th century. Like many an American artisan during that time, his output was largely Danish-influenced freehands. After a long hiatus, Hamric resumed his pipe making in the 2010s, ready to approach the craft as a professional. Hamric’s…
Beginning his career as a pipe-maker in the 1970s, Randy Wiley was a key figure in the new wave of American artisans in the late-20th century pipe scene – and still is today, nearly 50 years later. Wiley’s pipes might be characterized as American freehand in style; though he has occasionally made more traditional pieces,…
Radice is one of the great Italian workshop pipe makes, belonging to a historic lineage of such workshops. The company began as a family affair, being established in 1980 by Luigi Radice, along with his son, Gianluca, and father, Paolo. But Radice’s pipe-making ‘family’ is a little larger than that. Prior to founding Radice, Luigi…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
James Upshall was, along with Ferndown and Ashton, part of a new wave of British hand-made, high-grade pipes in the late 20th century, with their founders largely coming from previous positions in the factories of companies such as Dunhill and Charatan. James Upshall was founded in 1978 by Barry Jones and Ken Barnes, both of…
Originally trained as a woodworker, Nashville’s Zack Hamric took up pipe making as a hobbyist in the late 20th century. Like many an American artisan during that time, his output was largely Danish-influenced freehands. After a long hiatus, Hamric resumed his pipe making in the 2010s, ready to approach the craft as a professional. Hamric’s…
The MBSD Meerschaum Silver is our new series of silver mounted meerschaum pipes. Using the same high-grade, fast-coloring Turkish meerschaum found on our Deluxe series, these pipes exclusively feature silver army mounts or spigot mounts. While I was wondering what kinds of shapes I would like for the latest batch of MBSD Meerschaum pipes, I…
Much like in Denmark or Japan, many of the great names in Italian artisan pipe-making got their start working for other greats in their famous workshops. This was the case for artisans such as Giancarlo Guidi, Luigi Radice, Sergio Ascorti, and Maurizio Tombari. Luigi Viprati, on the other hand, is one of the few self-taught…
The “Ace of Spades” is a signature design of Pennsylvania artisan Thomas James, who took up pipe making all the way back in 2006. By all appearances it’s a unique synthesis of Danish and Italian aesthetics; viewed from the side, it’s a beautifully cut scoop shape, with clear Danish and Danish-American inclinations; it also wears…
To call Canada’s Todd Bannard, the artisan behind Briar, Sweat and Tears (BST) pipes, a “cult favorite” would be a profound understatement. Like his fellow countrymen Michael Parks and Julius Vesz, Bannard’s work has demonstrated that, though Canada may have far fewer pipe-makers than its neighbors in the US, Canadian handmades truly are a matter…
It is probably fair to say that Savinelli is Italy’s most famous pipe brand. Founded in Milan in 1876 by Achille Savinelli, the brand has continuously offered high quality pipes for nearly 150 years. Though various Savinelli lines have come and gone over the years, the brand has always been notable for putting out classically…
Ferndown pipes were made by the legendary British pipe-maker Leslie ‘Les’ John Wood, along with his wife Dolly. Both Les and Dolly previously worked for Dunhill, where Les developed his skills and reputation as Britain’s premier pipe silversmith, as well as one of its premier pipe carvers. Ferndown pipes are highly coveted by pipe-smokers due…
Ascorti belongs to a historic lineage in Italian artisan pipe-making. Guiseppe ‘Peppino’ Ascorti was first employed as a pipe-maker in the 1950s, in Carlo Scotti’s Castello workshop in Cantu. There he met Luigi Radice, and in the 1960s the two decided to leave Castello to create their own pipe-making workshop, under the name ‘Caminetto.’ At…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Founded in 1947 by Carlo Scotti, Castello quickly became known for producing some of the finest smoking pipes in the world. Over the years, the people involved in making Castello pipes has changed – such as Luigi Radice and Sergio Ascorti, who developed their skills in the Cantu workshop before leaving to start Caminetto, or…
Bennie Joe Pipes are made by Bennie Joe, an Indonesian artisan based in Jakarta. A trained architect and part-time pipe-maker for much of his life, he took on the latter full-time after a downturn in the property market during the dark days of 2020 and after. An interesting aspect of Bennie Joe pipes is that…
At MBSD we sell a lot of high-grade, high-quality pipes from various iconic makes, but the pipes we’re most proud of are our meerschaums. Right from the beginning, we wanted to offer the best smoking meers on the market, and to do this, we had them made with two distinct features. First, we made sure…
Peterson pipes generally need no introduction, but just in case you’re unfamiliar: in 1876, a Latvian named Charles Peterson immigrated to Ireland and was hired making pipes in a workshop owned by Frederick and George Kapp. After rising through the ranks to become head craftsman, Peterson bought into the Kapp’s business, which was renamed, Kapp…